Sunday, December 1, 2013


Hello MY Darlings!

Well, well, well, it is  drizzling outside, I can see the roads are wet from the glaring lights on the cars going by!

My CAT CALENDAR indicates it is Dec 1st ......

Humans are celebrating around the globe with observances of the First Day of Advent to Hanukkah!!!

How are your PAWS, has your owner been chasing her tail lately trying to get all the chores done!  I here her mumbling as she goes through the long list, crossing off each 'done items'.   LOL

Lots of email this week and clients try to manage STRESS!!!

>Christmas gift shopping
> Diva PAWS list (twice as long....) LOL
>Organize Secretary to PUT UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE (see if she stands on her head) LOL
>Go to the Post Office
>FAN CLUB Invitations

OK MY DARLINGS!  Lets get thing into PURSPECTIVE!

You know when kitten are little we tell them to EAT SLOWLY, TAKE SMALL BITES AND NOT TO RUN AROUND AFTER!   CATS KNOW 'COMMON SENSE'

1) DON'T run your tail into knots  and chase it trying to GET THINGS DONE!

2) LOOK AHEAD -- BE SENSIBLE -- BREATHE --- EAT -- DRINK - AND RELAX!  I hate to see HUMANS HYPERVENTILATE (almost as bad as a Cat with a fur ball) LOL


Soon you will feel just like ME

 Well MY DARLINGS - MY last thought - take some time in the EVENING 4 you!
Listen to music, or kittens purring, a dish of warm milk and a pinch of catnip will
put things into PURSEPCTIVE.

You still have 23 days left...........................

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Friday File: Gravity WINS in this scenario


Hello My Darling!

This is a CATS MEOW - Really!
MY inbox provided some amusing stories:   Causing me to shake with laughter ( I almost dropped my pencil in my milk bowl) ...... like jumping jack in a sand box!   Today's  topic is PHYSICS - GRAVITY

I decided to be a good editor and leave the content as is:

This story is about  "Miss M" . Every Diva has a story, her favorite pass time is catching butterflies, birds or any flying object!

The box was place on the dining room table, for my cat to lie in as she loves, them as much as shipping bag. The pretty ones with designs of fish, or animals with big handles.  The box was placed with the bottom facing forward looks harmless, it is. 

{Physics: the force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass}

Ooohhh, look what's inside (shopping to sleep on) NEW and FRESH, covered with plastic the kind that makes crinkle noise, that cats adore!!!
Like my new NEST...there is room for TWO

"Miss M" carefully pulled the items out, making a comfortable next.  All seems good for a short nap.  She decided a little grooming would be suitable (stretching she got up shifting, right and left to get her body just right.  Shifting so all of her weight was at the end of the corner of the box.   Gravity was the hidden element, the master of disguise (as it often is).
Puppies and kitten know all this until they get their sea legs.

 Until gravity interceded with "Miss M" shifting her weight while grooming. The right end corner shifted causing a "V" formation to hang over the table. With the top portion acting like a tent, the "V" formation revealing a 'Miss M" performing like a fireman sliding down a fireman's poll.
Perfect BALANCE.....OR NOT


Paws held high in submission to the sky "Mommy save me NOW". She remained unscathed due to a 'soft landing on her rabbit back legs'.

No harm came to "Miss M" she just needed more experience  and a little background on SCIENCE!

Remember:  Always send in "Jenni the Inspector" to check out your favorite 'box, shopping bag or favorite hiding space".    She is a stunt 'cat' actor and loves to discover new spaces.  

Well my DARLINGS...................

See you next time on the Friday File:  The next topic is Separation Anxiety 101.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Friday File: PAWS 4 Thought - RNR

Hello MY Darlings!

Well how are you? "Are you dragging your paws, you just want to have a nap...have you been up late chasing too many mice...ummm yes, I thought so"! The evenings are drawing in..shorter!!!

A lot of emails this week on MY cat computer , on the same complaints from both human, and feline community.  Interesting furnominum: felines are picking up the human energies and reading each others body language!

This has given me PAWS4THOUGHT!

Looking at the cat calender it is November firs!!! I'v had my Secretary chasing her tail in circles:  Running out shopping to send my cat cousins gift to over the duck pond in England;  Running back to the theatre getting new costumes for the Christmas parties; making lists and checking them.  She even makes jewellery in her spare time (I had no idea - maybe knew)?? InspiredDesigns4YOU

It wasn't until I was a night-owl on the prowl myself and caught her with the light on!  I tippy toed in a crouching position - 'stealth mode'. While her back was turned bend over the work table...I let out a roar of a MEOW -- "You are a NIGHT OWL -it's now confirmed". (Purring with great satisfaction).   I wondered why the raccoon eyes at 9:00 a.m. ummmm!
Diva: I have Intuition don't you know!

The reaction was quite PURFECT!  She literally jumped out of her human skin, like a rice paper image you often see on fine exquisite candy (Snickering). Her Gin and tonic no more! LOL *^..^*~

Target: Spotted


Life Skills Update:

Life can make us extremely busy, chasing our tails in circles...(yes, you humans too). Clients have said  "I try to  over  accomplish,  working long hours, too many errands this time of year" Too many catnip balls, yes, I have to be on the alert too for this!

(•.¸♥´).(•.¸♥t.@^..^@ ! (´*•.¸♥¸.•*    )   Reminder to build in a "RNR Cat Day"  (Rest and Relaxation) into you routine, especially if you are working at home, or have an cottage industry or self-employed.  If you work 7 days a week, set aside Friday as the RNR day(•.¸♥´).(•.¸♥t.@^..^@ ! (´*•.¸♥¸.•*    ).    PAWS and EFFECT.....its all about PURSEPCTIVE after all MY darlings.

If you last missed the last Friday File here is the link again:


(•.¸♥´).(•.¸♥t.@^..^@ ! (´*•.¸♥¸.•*    ) - Do this now: Go and have a bowl of milk and take the evening off:

My stand in: She has the right persepctive
 See you on the next  'Friday File'  

(•.¸♥´).(•.¸♥t.@^..^@ ! (´*•.¸♥¸.•*    )

Pin this to your PAWS:  November 3rd, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday File: Who Said the Show has to Go ON at the VETS

Well hello MY Darlings!

I've been away mousing....nice to be back!

Welcome to 'The Friday File" what a purfect day.
I've decided to take a cat nap and let my faithful Secretary click away at the computer!

There have been a lot of emails flying into my 'in box' this week.  The subject of behavior issues.
                                                              (Reading through, this......tickled my whiskers to no end).

Oh yes, as a practitioner I see a quite a cross-section of 'personalities' in my practice, I'm sure the Veterinarians say the same (LOL).  Feline, canine, or humans all have certain characteristics that defines: who they are, that goes with the territory.  I've selected a email,  I shall call her "Vanessa" her true name has been protected to save the innocent!

"Dear Counsellor" can you address the issue of 'Diva' personality how to deal her at the Vets?
Well WHAT?

Here is her story:

"Vanessa writes: My calico cat is a Diva in her own right, even as a kitten she knew who she was. With her purfect airs and graces were clear  at a tender age.  "Jenn, Jenn" was no exception.  We took her to her annual exam at the Veterinarians.  There she is known as "Little Lady" (obviously they don't know her THAT WELL). 

Over the years I've developed keen sense of intuition to help me read  through her, that doesn't always work.  I gave Jenn, jenn my faithful companion several syringes of water to aid the process along (otherwise she would cross her paws an ignore me).

Stop Staring: I haven't done anything yet!
All the technicians know her and games she gets up to! (Vanessa often wanted to hid under the benches in the waiting room with and red face)!  The procedure was to extract a urine sample..simply routine ...right?  "Jenn, Jenn" had her own ideas, in destroying the 'sterile field'.  As an actress in her own right...she is quite manipulative! Intuitively, sitting in the waiting room Vanessa thought - I hope this isn't a repeat performance?.

Performance time! The technicians with had soft voices working quietly.  Time to get into the ACT! All was in order for the moment. With no fanfare announced 'Jenn jenn' tinkled on the table! She was even purring in defiance!

The chirping of the phone distracted Vanessa from the Pet magazines she was reading.  "We have to now wait for hours to get another sample echoed the receptionist. (Rolling her eyes to the ceiling and shaking her head). Pet parent responded.
"Oh I see was the reply, can you give her syringes of water again, please".

Well the clock moves very slowly at the Vets or any medical office when you ARE WAITING!

Jenn, Jenn was very nonchalant, deciding to fall asleep!!!  The minutes rolled into hours, 1, 2 and 3. at the precise cat moment 9.45 p.m.  This was the third hour! The technician was able to extract the sample".   Just another day at the Vets!

I Got YOU - Show Time

The phrase "Patience is Virtue" understood by a cat or dog. Seasoned Dog Handlers or Obedience trainers will tell you!

Well, well, well, that is quite the story (I'm sure gentle readers you can relate to that). (Washes face, while thinking)!


Clearly, we have seen some typical "Diva traits" here.  As pet parents, there is often little you can do....when trying to predict feline or canine behavior.

Even with ALL the careful measures with TLC (tender love and care). 

Take this recipe with you equal measure:
1> Spoonful of love, with plenty of pinches of reassurance, praises, eye contact (whenever possible).  2>Take one glass of PATIENCE with a ounce of HUMILITY and LAUGHTER.   3>  A huge cup of tea for the pet parent upon returning home, and a dish of milk for the patient.
4. Stir with a spoon of EXPERIENCE for you never know it may end up in a blog page
and provide some entertainment for "Pet Parents" to share!

Ok...Lets go Home and EAT

Have a purfect weekend -- see you next time

Other related blogs:

Do write to us if you have any interesting stories to share!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday File: Human Dilemma - Sleepless Nights in TO

Hello MY Darlings!

Well, I had to pull this topic for "Friday File" out of the metaphoric rabbit hat!  A lot of emails this week on the issue of sleep disturbances.  Ah yes, this has to do with the change of the seasons.

Whether you are a feline, canine or human psychologist sometimes OUR clients think we can wave a proverbial 'cat magic wond' and make the issues disappear (POOF)!

There have been a activity in my 'in box'!

Of course cats are known to be nocturnal by nature; it's in our our very marrow, right down to our paw prints!!!  Feline clients have told me "We can hardly wait for humans to get to bed so we can party, raid left over pizza boxes" (yes I remember reading that in the Chronicles of the Diva Files a short while ago Pizza-party the-morning).
Singing on hot tin roofs like 'Fiddler on the Roof" chasing squirrels until they are dizzy;

I'm up for some mischief

 Let the adventures reveal themselves: Play ping-pong in the bathtub; act as interior decorators in the living room, scattering cushions on the floor. Creating new forms of Fen Shui. We hide behind sheer living room curtains, making ourselves invisible. We patiently stalk the 'moving traffic' from our perch though solid glass, at dawn they mysteriously turn into birds and fly into our gaping mouths!!! YUM!

(Stretches to regain focus) Humans on the other hand have inferior eyesight, have awkward agility at night. Evolution stood them upright. They normally sleeping at night...with some exceptions LOL. How boring it must be!!!
Don't ya just luv it!

Enter the Human Dilemma:

My research shows human biorhythms and circadian body clocks can be drunken squirrels. Either they are: night owls or morning people!!! Or somewhere in between!  Can't even deal with a full-moon LOL!!!!

Night Owls:  love to play, party hard, study, write and create any where from 1:00 - 4:00 a.m  (ask MY secretary). I play SHE types!  That is why these humans look like spooked raccoons falling over their feet at 8:00 a.m!

Morning Chorus Humans:  They are usually in bed at 9:30a.m and up at 5:30a.m bright eyed and bushy tailed. Raring to GO once morning light draws back the curtain!!!(Is this misguided evolution).  They are 'superhuman, able to leap bounds and multitask at 6:30 a.m!!! "You talkka MY language.......MEOW"

Sleepless in T.O (Toronto) you say!  My clients say that this a huge problem for the female variety.  It also depends on their sensitivities (the tidal pull of the moon); late night movies, lap top, television..too many distractions = complications.


1) Turn off the computer or TV after 10:30 p.m allowing for the natural circadian rhythm to fall naturally into place (adrenal glands surge at 11:00 p.m waking the body up);
2) Never go to bed hungry, always a bowl of milk, or ( 70 dark chocolate cake);

3) Try a little lap around the park or stroll after dinner;
4) Listen to pleasant music, call a friend;
5) "Get your self LOST in a BOOK" my humans grandmother used to say!
6) Massage your feline or canine companion (connect intuitively - bond)
7) Take a page from the above and RE-LAX
Food for thought MY DARLINGS!!
Whatever works FOR you!!!

I never have had trouble sleeping myself.

Night patrol!

Listing to your stories helps make MY practice PURFECT! I'm beginning to understand HUMANS. Thank you to all of your emails.............they always keep me PURRING!

 Follow the Diva:.............&^..^&.....!

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Friday File - Aspects of Relaxtion the Challenges of Mechanics


Hello MY Darlings (smirking).

Well you thought I'd NEVER ASK, the obvious question! What about relaxation?  Mother nature gave this to cats on a 'purfect platter'.  Never ask pur-mission just take it YOU own it!

I've had lots of emails coming across by busy PAWS DESK on dealing with relaxation and personal relationships.  I had to get MY Secretary to sit on the papers as there were so many.  The whirling of the printer was giving such a headache even my whiskers hurt.  EXIT to my secret 'cat door flap' (I use this as a back door, so patients don't see my entering into the front door of the office)!

Stretching I ordered my large saucer of milk. I had a feeling it was going to be one of those days!  My whiskers tell me so....vibrate+ radar =cat sense. MY Secretary is trained so we don't have to natter.......all done by intuition!  That tuned in feeling... LOL)!
I had recently implemented a new system into my practice "Catnip Therapy". For those... cat-tankerous clients. Clinically identifies as having cat baggage' From kitten to cat hood.......they never developed the skills to 're-lax'.                 
 Oh, yes paw pointing by human family members, felines too. Meowing: Bengal, 'diva' 'divo' 'cat-tankerous' (variation on human: cantankerous), hissy fit!! 
It doesn't matter how many 'cat degrees' you have or the experience you have....the challenges will always be there!!!

Enter Patient: Count Boris, a Russian Blue ...from Australia. I had done my research..he didn't fit the usual definition given his behavior.

New Patient: Count Boris

(The Russian Blue is a cat breed that has a silver-blue coat. They are very intelligent and playful, but tend to be shy around strangers. They develop close bonds with their human companions and are sought out as pets due to their personalities and coat. The Russian Blue is a naturally occurring breed that may have originated in the port of Arkangelsk, Russia. They are also sometimes called Archangel Blues. It is believed that sailors took Russian Blues from the Archangel Isles to England and Northern Europe in the 1860s. The first recorded appearance outside of Russia was in 1875 at the Crystal Palace in England, as the Archangel Cat. The Russian Blue competed in a class including all other blue cats until 1912, when it was given its own class).

"Mr. Boris", saunters into my office stomping, arrogant cat body language (hissing under his breath, mowing and carrying on so loudly).  I managed to catch his stared him I do.
I offered him some freshly brewed tea. Putting my baseball mitt paws of authority on my desk -- looking through my glasses!    I pointed to the huge arm chair where he could chill out!  A few moments to let the catnip take hold (LOL).
Facial Expressions- Catnip 101
Step 1: Gently in hail through the nose

I employed a few facial expressions (breaking the ice just to make him laugh) I'd used this 1000 of times on patients!!

Step 3: roll it around your face - relax
Step: 2  inhail gently
I knew I had to monitor and control him, so I made a game out of it!  His gruff demeanor was softening (just a little)
Step 4: Let yourself GO

I had MY secretary record the session (permission given by Mr. B).  She came in on my paw cue. The electric bed hummed lowered to the floor , I said to him. "we don't want you to fall off". I will check on you in 20 minutes".  I trotted into my office, then lapped a small bowl of milk, to gather my focus.

(Chortling) I observed patient through the two way mirror. His front and back paws flat out....he looked like road kill (sorry the only metaphor I could think of LOL).

He had to turn over...lowering himself onto his belly. His right paw out to steady himself. our complete surprise .....the table started to MOVE OUT from THE WALL????? The gap got wider and wider!!! Cooly I meowed...... "Secretary, grab his back paw gently."  He was like a amoeba sliding off a slippery rock!!!!  Bullump.......... he slid onto the floor wedging himself between the table and wall.  It was like trying to hold onto wet spaghetti.

The 4 brakes were not secured?? The cleaners forgot to put them on after last night.!! "Mr Boris" was so relaxed he didn't react, a melodic purr emanated from his belly......we got him to his feet got him to sit, checking him over. In a busy practice, even under 'controlled' environment no one came predict mechanical issues or 'human nature'.  

We got him a 'cat-cat' and called an hour later...........................


"Mr. Boris" wearing off the catnip with family

Lesson of the day: Humility often comes at surprising times, both for patient and practitioner alike.........if should happen to YOU...SIMPLY LET IT GO!!!

Move on, get those PAWS moving and chase a few BIRDS.....

Hindsight is often 20/20 mixed in with grace....

See you next time MY DARLINGS...........^..^

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday File: COOL CAT TIME = Make Time for ME!

Cool Cat Time
Hello MY Darling!

This is a new feature called the "Saturday File".  A little short note from me......!

I hope  you are enjoying, stretching, sleeping, chasing mice or out with some 'cool cats'!

I decided to sleep in, MY faithful secretary arrived with breakfast which I had in MY donut bed! Lapping with excitement the warm dish of MILK , soon became history!

Christan Bale as Bruce Wayne
I decided to watch a very cool movie on TV "Batman Begins (2005) with Christian Bale.  Christian Charles Philip Bale was born in Pembrokeshire, Wales on January 30, 1974. Bale's father, David, was a commercial pilot, and the family lived in different countries throughout Bale's childhood, including England, Portugal, and the United States. He also played in the Dark Knight.

Entertainment Snacks!
Other "Cool Cats" I hang out with

Reminder:  Whatever YOU do or choose to do, make time for YOU.   Chill out with feline and canine friends and make Saturday and Sunday a very CAT COOL time!

Follow me here, free advice, humour -- it's a CATS MEow  Diva Paws 4 Advice

See YOU next time......................................MY DARLINGS!

Monday, August 5, 2013

To Be or Not to BE: Cat and Dog Supplements for the taking???

 Hello MY Darlings:

I have had a lot of questions pass my desk on the issue of: cat care, supplements. 

Like HUMANS,  we need to take care of our  feline and canine bodies: chomping on 'cat grass' or the casual stretch doesn't do it sometimes we need help ...DARLINGS! (Purring and washing face)
  A girl has to look after herself.

While my PAWS are geared to counselling, wrapping MY mind as a ball of wool in intellectual pursuits.   ^..^ Always consult with your Veterinarian on animal health. Occasionally, YOUR Secretary or HUMAN can make moderate suggestions! 

(Lyrically throat - munnenyow, munndenyow)
^..^I've peppered this blog with a little DIVA humour (as you know I would, we cats like to make a game of it)! 

Do you have your PAWS ready? Get your HUMAN to bring you a snack of kibble and a cool bowl of water!
In my practice, clinical field work and resource often overlap life. Oh yes I admit it ..... "How to drive your human crazy, and have fun in the process"!   I've collected some of the 'sage comments' from emails / See what you think!!!
 Cat PURSECTIVE and casual observations:  

^..^1) (Paw on hip with air of authority). Look cats don't (or won't) chew supplements - no self respecting DIVA would. Dogs do LOL  (cause they WILL eat anything on command or simply do it to please you);
Ask the right questions -

^..^2) Chihuahua writes: "We are not like cats and often won't ask WHY, as the food being offered or treat is the reward - (cats will sniff and back up if not sure as they are the inspectors)"!
^..^3) "Dogs love to PLEASE humans, and wag, wag, wag of the tails. Is the food for me? Is it? Is it"?  Ever see us at the vets we love to socialize not matter what".

^..^4) Pill cutting: - poor human tries "The Alfred Hitchcock Approach".  A little mystical planning ---knife carefully poised on the supplement. (Human thinks 'How hard can this really be'.  Diva anticipates the obvious.....broken into million pieces. Tap, tap, tap.......
I can't Watch!
ing, ping, wang, pong 
ricocheting  round the kitchen. (Diva laughing impersonating "Bette Davis" ).  Better than a tennis match or like buzzing bees in flight.  MY human used so much force that the flat bladed knife, her face got as red as a fire breathing dragon.  I thought her ears were going to emit smoke like a steam engine! Enough to set off the fire alarm";
I'm getting dizzy!
                                                                                                                                                                            ^..^5) (Yawning bored) "She tried also tried mix them in my water bowl,ummm lets play!
It passed the time as I waited for my dinner!!!  ha ha ha, loving it'!

^..^6) "The supplement is a nice purple colour!  Will it make my tongue the same? 
Will it change the colour of MY water. Will it match My theatrical outfits or shoes? Do they glow in the dark?  Are they fish or chicken flavored...sure don't look like kids Flintstones".

^..^7) "Do "Vet labs"  have a special group of humans they call 'taste testers'. I bet they didn't tried them either'!
^..^8) "Watch out for those 'pill givers' instruments, keep your mouth shut. Yes, humans have to be trained in this skill...however..........
Be like a clam-shell  hide pills in the corner of your mouth! Split them out like cherry pips, she won't find them until later'. 
I remember MY human shared a story.....I listening lapping on my bowl of milk. (Thoughtfully): Her mother as a child, didn't like 'bread crusts' and used to hide them in her apron. Then ran down to the 'chicken coop' (did someone say CHICKEN) in the bottom of the garden, gratefully offering these tender morsels!  Another strategy was to hid them in the hall cupboard under the stairs, to be found later at some unknown date!  She was one smart human.....I like her style!!!! ^..^! This just might work ...ummmm.
That's a good story! PAWS for Thought!

Well MY darlings, what has been your experience with 'pills, supplements' and ways you have managed to 'wriggle out' pill popping adventures!

Be sure to comment in the blog and invite your furry friends along for the ride!

Follow me here:    DivaPaws4Advice